Volkswagen of Athens

2016 Passat

As owners of the redesigned 2016 VW Passat can confirm, it delivers an all-around enjoyable driving experience, with its impressive performance, upscale and roomy interior and innovative technology features. Put to the test against eight of the most popular 2016 models, the Passat just earned a win for the Midsize Sedan Challenge, further cementing its reputation as a top choice for the midsize sedan segment.

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Whether you’re in the market for a hatchback, sedan, or SUV, you’ll find the ideal model in Volkswagen’s new lineup. Ask yourself or your dealer these seven questions to find the right Volkswagen vehicle for you.

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Buying a car is both exciting and intimidating. There’s a lot to consider, and a lot that can go wrong if you approach a dealership unprepared. Take your time with this purchase to make sure you’re driving home with the best vehicle for your budget, driving style, and personal needs.

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VW T-Cross Breeze

Automakers like to give buyers teasers of their upcoming cars. These teasers give you just enough information to get you interested. Luckily, when you pull the information together, you can see how the new VW Concept car is something to get excited about. While there’s not a whole lot of official information out there, here are a few things you can expect from the new subcompact crossover from VW.

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The VW Transporter, otherwise known as the Microbus, earned a strong following in the 1960s. It was one of the first vehicles to offer abundant interior space for passengers and cargo. In fact, many people see a direct lineage from the early Microbus to the minivans that gained popularity around the same time.

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There’s no getting around it – Volkswagen has a bit of a black eye after the recent emissions scandal. However, the manufacturer is offering gift cards as consolation of the wrongdoing. Of course, Volkswagen of Athens has nothing to do with the scandal, but we’re here to help explain the situation.

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As the facts surrounding Volkswagen’s actions continue to surface, Volkswagen of Athens wants to assure our customers that you are our top priority!  Although we had no knowledge of what occurred during the manufacture of the vehicles in question, Volkswagen of Athens is stepping up to do whatever is necessary to help our loyal customers through this unfortunate situation.  It’s understandable that you have many questions as a result of what has happened. We don’t have all the answers yet, as we wait for the manufacturer to announce how they intend to resolve this matter, but we can share some facts with you.

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You have to be careful what you say around VW engineers. No matter how crazy the idea may sound coming out of your mouth, it just might get the “just how could we get that done?” engineer juices flowing.

Throw in some of that famous German ingenuity and engineering to a plausible but crazy idea of a stroller that brakes automatically before hitting objects, shake vigorously and achtung! Before you know it, you have a working prototype going viral on Facebook.

And it does more than just stop. The stroller is self-propelled, self-steering and self-driving in addition to being self-stopping.

So, where did they get the idea to make a self-propelled stroller? Believe it or not, the idea came from a question the company put to its customers on their Facebook page. Never content with the status quo, Volkswagen sought out new ideas from the only people as smart as Volkswagen engineers – Volkswagen buyers. The safe money says that the suggestion came from a Volkswagen owner with full hands and a baby that needed walking.

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From the time Volkswagen started making the “people’s car” in the 1930s to the time they started arriving in force in the United States in the ‘50s to the inclusion of the VW Bus as a force majeure in the counterculture of the 1960s, Volkswagen has achieved a status nearly as iconic in the U.S. as it is in Germany.

The Spirit of the ’70s

Many have fond memories of those freewheeling days, days spent behind the wheel of a Volkswagen Bus, going wherever the winds, our whims and the road in front of us led. Now, thanks to organizations like Florida’s Oldscool Campers (in Pinellas Park), we can experience that thrill all over again.

Too young to remember the ’60s and ’70s? Don’t worry too much about it; most of the people who lived it don’t remember it all that well, either. Regardless of your age, get out to the flea market, buy a Strawberry Alarm Clock 8-track and rent a vintage VW Bus. You’ll catch on quick enough!

VW camper vans at Florida Oldscool Campers

VW Camper Vans at Florida Oldscool Campers

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Alternative energy vehicles have come a long way in the last decade. They are seemingly everywhere, so much so that they are beginning to blend into the automotive landscape. Volkswagen is intent on making alternative energy vehicles that combine style and performance with amazing efficiency. The engineers at Volkswagen don’t want you to look at one of their alternate fuel vehicles and only think about how efficient they are, they want you to imagine yourself driving one around town. In contrast to some of the other major auto builders, Volkswagen has taken the all-in approach. That is to say that they are offering vehicles with a number of different alternate energy options.

Turbo Diesel Engine

Clean Diesel

Gone are the days of diesel cars belching black smoke. They’ve been replaced by vehicles with an improved environmental footprint. Current technology means that clean diesel engines emit 40 percent less diesel particles than ordinary fuel.  The EPA has called clean diesel a lean burn technology which means that owners of these vehicles can claim tax credits. Gas mileage for a clean diesel compares favorably with what even the highly touted hybrids are getting. For example, the Volkswagen Passat TDI gets up to 46 mpg on the highway!
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